简介:Aksorn搬到新宿舍后,发现卧室的镜子里住着一个人。Songiam是另一个世界的人,他们通过镜子相剧情简介识。随着故事的发展,Aksorn在一个网站上看到一本小说,而小说情节正是他和镜中人的故事。小说究竟是谁写的?作者又是如何知道Aksorn的经历?~~改编自Hungrybird的网络小说"Memorie s in Letters" (????????????)
简介:一生独来独往的翁莎,与人气更旺的孙一见钟情。然而,由于害怕被拒绝,她决定化名“地球”接近她。当太阳越来越好奇地球是谁,并开始爱上她时,翁莎会向孙暴露自己吗?Ongsa, a loner all her life, falls in love at first sight wit h the more popular Sun. However, with the fear of being rejected, she decides to approach her under the pseudonym "Earth". As Sun gets more and more curious about who Earth is and starts to fall for her, will Ongsa reveal herself to Sun?
简介:A Girl and A Guy is a modern tale of young adults navigating the tricky world of relationships, connection, and intimacy in todays society. The film tells the story of a girl, the story of a guy, and the story of a girl and a guy.
简介:深陷在婚姻的绝望中,Helene Brindel感觉已被上帝所遗弃。伸出手,她触到了那个解救之人,著名的心理学家Eduard E. Gluck,但魅力四射的Gluck必须打败自己心中的恶魔。当他们相知相拥,才发现截然不同的两人已经难以抗拒彼此。迟疑地,他们走近彼此,敞开心扉,发现爱却成为了一场考试,一个承诺。